Excerpt from Green & Grey

A line 

like the seam along the body of a plastic doll 

divides me into hemispheres

A left

and a right

Nose, cleft, lips and chin

I am a mathematician 

a Gardner of clouds

making shapes

from eternal things 

and witnessing through electric appendages 

It’s all the flavor 

of treble and the size of white noise

bleeding out across the horizon

The wrinkles in the planet’s surface

tides like the tiny crests 

on the crust of a cabbage

Microbial worlds of sentience 

silent in the ephemera 

between here

and my fingertips 

I stand divided

Between the world

And what I call it

I straddle

one foot on the ground

and the other not a foot at all

Calling out across a continent 

a voice traversing countless miles of 


arriving some semblance of itself

New and tired;

a mother tending

to her duties

How can body ever speak 

to its inhabitants,

its incarnation,

the meat 

to look upon its own guest

and say

You are divided

You are silent

Your voice reverberates past the clouds

through the mitochondria

past nebulas and dendrils

and into warm hands 

kneading cool earth

Pushing seeds across the seam,

continuing this strange conversation

spoken in code

The roots reach deep like synapses 

or the tendrils of a river

down through the soil

seeking neighbors to embrace 

Dividing in two

Spreading identity through mimesis

I look into the mirror

and see the place where

my hemispheres join

I feel my skin

which keeps me encased,

let’s me know the differences

between hot and cold,

inside and out,

even right and wrong, eventually

Skin is

the original


The story was infinite

Disembodied, impersonal 

Not a story at all

as it rained down from some celestial rock

prokaryotic and discrete

No sense of self

distracting from the infinite pool

The moment when the avalanche is over you,

the tsunami cresting 

lightning lifting from the static beneath your feet,

the sublimity of consciousness slipping away in old age, even the face of your child unfamiliar

The seam is where it comes together,

where it breaks apart,

where the inanimate becomes conscious,

where morals meet violence,

where gender fails to describe,

and where the light, however dim

Breaks through and powers each word, each seed, each conscious moment

towards its empty palace